Remove box character after excerpts. Special Character Bug

I want to hide these special charecter (������) after excerpts ..


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“Los votos del PP han impedido este jueves que el Parlament apruebe instar al Govern a que en un plazo de mes establezca un calendario en el que detalle las fechas en las que hará efectivos los pagos a los proveedores. Los ‘populares �����

““सीएमएस मीडिया लेब” द्वारा जारी आकडे बताते हैं की इन चैनलो ने अपने प्राइम टाइम के कुल समय का

plz guide me

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  1. You’ll want to use the excerpt_more filter to modify this text. e.g.:

    function mytheme_filter_excerpt_more( $more ) {
        return $more = '[
    add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'mytheme_filter_excerpt_more' );

    You’ll also want to make sure that nothing else is applying this filter, as it may be the cause of your problem. (If not that, then there is probably an issue with the character encoding, or internationalization/translation strings, etc. for your Theme.)