I have this script that adds a download button to every product page in WooCommerce but I need to exclude a product page from having the download button.
I tried changing the first line to
if ( is_product() || $id() != "1514" ){
but it is failing, I think I am on the right track but need to reference it correctly (It should only enter the if function if is a product AND its not product ID 1514)
if ( is_product()){
$link = get_the_title();
$link = str_replace(' ', '-', $link);
echo '<div class="download">';
echo '<a href="';
echo bloginfo('url');
echo '/pdf/Spec-Sheet-';
echo $link . '.pdf';
echo ' " title="Download Spec Sheet" target="_blank">';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>'; }
the answer is
works in pre_get_posts – didn’t test in the product template, but if it doesn’t, make sure you are in the loop and it’ll work for sure.
One easy way to hide this would be to just use CSS.
if the theme is using the
function then the page will have its own body class. Something like.postid-1514
and you can hide it using.postid-1514 .download { display: none; }
this will completely hide it.You can try this!