Redirect to post with only post ID in the URL vs post_type/post ID

The title may be a little confusing, I don’t know how to word it to be short.

Right now my permalink structure is /%post_id%/%postname% so the final URL is /post_type/%post_id%/%postname%.

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When I go to then it redirects to but when I got to it doesn’t redirect but shows the correct post.

I’m not sure how to make it work the way the default redirect works.

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1 comment

  1. I used the following plugin lately:
    to get post ID based shortlinks, like That worked very well for me, with a couple of custom post types too.

    On a sidenote, I’m not sure about your permalink structure, especially because %post_id% and %postname% are both uniquely referring to the same post, but on the other hand you might have a good reason for choosing the structure exactly like that.

    In reference to Matthew’s comment i used the following in my register_post_type() call in above mentioned project:

            'rewrite'   => array(   'slug' => '/%post_type%',
                                    'with_front' => false,
                                    'pages' => true,
                                    'feeds' => '',
                                    'ep_mask' => 1 )

    It’s just the rewrite part and of course you have to replace %post_type% accordingly – I also should mention that the settings for the permalinks would be set to just %postname%.

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