I have a website which allows users to ‘like’ posts. A post’s likes are stored as an array of user IDs in a postmeta field called “likers”.
I’m having trouble displaying posts in order of most liked. Ideally I could query the size of the likers array and order by that value, but I can’t find a way to do it using WP_Query.
At the moment I’m querying for every post’s ID and likers field, then in a foreach loop I’m counting the size of the likers array, sorting by that value and using a custom loop to display each post. Except with this method I can’t use the standard WP pagination function.
Has anyone got a better solution?
Here’s the current code:
global $wpdb;
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'likers'", 'ARRAY_A');
if (!$posts) {
return "No posts found.";
} else {
// add them to an array with the size of their 'likers' field
foreach($posts as &$post) {
$post['likers'] = count(unserialize($post['meta_value']));
// sort array by likes
uasort($posts, function ($i, $j) {
$a = $i['likers'];
$b = $j['likers'];
if ($a == $b) return 0;
elseif ($a < $b) return 1;
else return -1;
// now display the posts...
foreach($posts as $post) {
I’m not really sure how you store the number of likes in your database. If you store the data as an comma separated string
you could write a query like this to order your posts by the number of likes:The above calculates the number of likes by subtracting the length of the
with the length of themeta_value
without commas and then adding 1.You should be able to use the same technique in cases where your meta value contains a serialized array. Notice that each value need to be stored as a string for this to work:
I am making a liking plugin for wordpress and ran into this same issue. I ended up approaching it as you explained in a comment which was to just get the number after the first ‘a:’ in the serialized array. To do this, I used the mysql SUBSTR function.