Querying user_meta table to look up email in the wp_users table

I have created a simple html form to submit a value to a php script I have written. I am using wordpress. I want the script to look up a user in the user_meta table, and select the user ID. I then want the script to look up the email of that user in the wp_users table. Here is the code I have:

global $wpdb;
$userid = $wpdb->get_var  ( $wpdb->prepare (
SELECT user_id
FROM $wpdb->user_meta
WHERE user_meta = %s
 $_POST["submitted_value"] ) );

$useremail = $wpdb->get_var (
SELECT user_email
FROM $wpdb->wp_users
, $userid );

echo 'Car Owner Email is' . $useremail . '!';
echo "test" . $_POST["submitted_value"] ."!";


Now, I have run the script and the last line appears to be working — it is printing the ‘submitted_value’ from my html form – but it does not seem to be querying the database.

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this is the entire php script — I am placing it in the wordpress plugins directory — do I need to add anything else to get it to query my wordpress database?

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  1.     global $wpdb;
    $query1 = "SELECT user_id FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'your_meta_key_name' AND meta_value = '$_POST["submitted_value"]'";
    $userid = $wpdb->get_var($query1);
    $query = "SELECT user_email FROM wp_users WHERE ID = '$userid'";
    $useremail = $wpdb->get_var($query);
    1. Table name is wp_usermeta and not wp_user_meta
    2. In WHERE Clause, you need to give a meta key with which the value has to be mapped. Ex: WHERE meta_key = ‘nickname’ and meta_value = ‘pranita’.
      Replace ‘your_meta_key_name’ with proper key with which you are matching your form value.

    3. If you don’t understand fields, check wp_usermeta table in phpmyadmin.

    Hope this helps. All The Best

  2. You should update your code:

    global $wpdb;
    $userInfo = $wpdb->get_row  ( $wpdb->prepare ("
        SELECT user_id, user_email
        FROM $wpdb->usermeta um
        INNER JOIN $wpdb->users u ON (u.ID=um.user_id)
        WHERE meta_key = %s", //OR meta_value !!
    echo 'Car Owner Email is' . $userInfo->user_email. '!';
    echo "test" . $_POST["submitted_value"] ."!";

    But you can do it easily following the WP codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_users/

    $users = get_users(array('meta_key' => $_POST["submitted_value"]));

    In this case you will get all possible users and you may need to run a loop.