I’m helping fix broken links on a friend’s WordPress website. I’m new to plugins etc.
My question has to do with this .qtip-vml{behavior:url(#default#VML)
In a file commented as:
/* qTip2 v2.2.1 | Plugins: tips viewport | Styles: core basic css3 | qtip2.com | Licensed MIT | Sat Sep 06 2014 21:55:19 */
the last line reads:
.qtip-tip canvas{top:0;left:0}.qtip .qtip-tip .qtip-vml{behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;visibility:visible}
Xenu Linkchecker keeps saying #default#VML is a broken link.
My questions:
Is #default#VML a separate file she should have downloaded? If so, from where?
Is #default#VML a separate file she should have listed (somewhere) in her website? If so, where? — Is there a specific folder where files like these should reside in a web?
If it isn’t and shouldn’t be a separate “file” in the website, why does Xenu report it as broken?
What should/can I investigate / do to resolve the “broken” report on this?
Thank you.