Proper implementation/use of code/syntax highlighting

I’ve already read what I can on a couple of sites and installed this plug-in:

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I’m missing how to make it work. Now I have two questions:

  1. Do I have to type in the Visual window or the HTML
  2. Does TinyMCE mess with this? I’ve seen my code
    disappear in the HTML window.

I currently have typed in my code in Visual Window like this:

[sourcecode language="php"]
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
Header( "Location:" );
if ($_GET["page_id"] == 1)
   Header( "Location:");
if ($_GET["page_id"] == 2)
   Header( "Location:");

I also tried <pre language="php"> with the “Geshi” syntax highligher, and no luck there either.

But nothing is happening, i.e. no syntax highlighting:

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  1. I use a similar plugin called WP Syntax, which works better, in my experience, so I’m going to answer for that one:

    Question 1: Do I have to type in the Visual window or the HTML window?

    In the HTML window. I prefer the <pre lang="php"> mode.

    Question 2: Does TinyMCE mess with this?

    Yes, it will html encode special chars, for example transforming => into =&gt; etc. so you should probably disable the rich editor alltogether.

  2. I have been installing and removing many plugins to highlight my code on my blog.Finally, I managed to use Prettify GC Syntax Highlighter effectively.

    I also posted step by step configuration and usage guide for the plugin here

    Be warned though, tinyMCE will mess codes with Prettify GC Syntax Highlighter as well. If you plan to include codes in your posts, get used to the HTML editor, not the visual editor.