I have a few custom post types on my website. One of these is a front page slider. I add some text, images, links and as soon as I publish the CPT appears as a slide and I’m a happy camper. The problem is when I need to preview the slide before it is live. I can preview that specific CPT post via the post preview button, but obviously I see the actual slide and not how the slide looks in that slider or gallery or archive.
I’m looking for a solution to preview the Drafts in an archive.
Any help will be much appreciated.
method ofWP_Query
is what does the heavy lifting as far as getting the posts to display. Before it does anything, however, there’s a hook calledpre_get_posts
that you can hook into. The hooked function will receive a reference (pointer) to the current query object. So you can change the query vars to be whatever you’d like.So…
You’ll probably have to change your
to whatever you slider CPT is named.As a plugin: https://gist.github.com/1343219