Preview Image Path in Admin Section

So I have run into a little glitch. i have a custom path for uploads and it works. the files get saved to the right place, etc. The problem I have is the ‘widget box’ in the admin section. immediately after uploading and setting the uploaded image as the featured image, it show up in the preview, instead of
it is showing
The path is broken. Again I am new to WP… is there a filter for the admin ‘widget box’s?

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The path I get back is:
<img width="266" height="145" src="" class="attachment-266x266" alt="the title" title="the title">

But where the image resides is:
<img width="266" height="145" src="<POST_ID>/image-350x192.png" class="attachment-266x266" alt="the title" title="the title">

I cant add an image because of my rep so far… it appears in the same column as tags and categories in the admin area. It is a custom widget for this theme.


    function media_upload_dir($upload) {
        return $upload;
$id = $_REQUEST['post_id'];
        if (isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
            $upload['path']    = "/path/www/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id;
            $upload['url']     = "" . $id;
            $upload['basedir'] = "/path/www/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id;
            $upload['baseurl'] = "" . $id;
            if (!file_exists("/path/www/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id)) {
                mkdir("/path/www/blog/wp-content/uploads/" . $id, 0777);
        return $upload;
    add_filter('upload_dir', 'media_upload_dir');

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1 comment

  1. This is not a answer, is an extended comment with the link to the solution.

    First, while testing, one of my test sites wasn’t showing the Featured Image uploaded to the folder /wp-content/uploads/POST_ID/image_name.jpg. Same problem as the OP.

    But, it was not displaying any path to the image. And the bug was that the installation where I was testing is full of hacks (my main WPSE testing base). As soon as I went to a stable installation everything worked.

    So, if your problem persist, do a full troubleshooting:

    Also, Robert, when asking a question please provide all the elements that a person who is willing to help will need to understand and effectively answer it.

    Side notes to your code:

    Best regards and good luck!