Prevent Selected Terms Rising to the Top

When you’re editing a post and select a child category or term, and update, the selected terms appear at the top ( leading to potentially confusing situations where ‘foo’ ‘foo’ and ‘foo’ are selected each with different parents and no way to tell them apart ).

How do I prevent this behaviour? Either by showing the parent terms to give context, or stopping them being moved to the top

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  1. This bugs me too. It is very confusing, so I thought I’d look into it.

    That meta box is created in “wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php” on line ~399. It uses wp_terms_checklist. The problem codes seems to be this (it is one in source):

    <?php wp_terms_checklist(
        $post->ID, array( 
            'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 
            'popular_cats' => $popular_ids 
    ) ) ?>

    That leaves a couple of options that I can think of.

    You could use Javascript to reorder the list. You can’t remove the oddball categories because they won’t be available in the list. But I doubt that would be either quick or easy.

    Or, you can remove the default box with remove_meta_box and add back a near clone with add_meta_box altering the line above to be:

    <?php wp_terms_checklist(
            'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
            'popular_cats' => $popular_ids 
            'check_ontop' => false 
    ) ) ?>

    The checked_ontop part is the key. Removing and adding a metabox seems a long way to go to add those few characters and I sort-of hate to do it because it is pretty close to a core hack (but isn’t 🙂 ), though changes to the core could mean a need to rewrite that function. I don’t think there is any other real option though.

    EDIT: OK. I originally thought that there was no hook that would help with this but there is one. All you need is:

    function tst($args) {
        $args['checked_ontop'] = false;
        return $args;

    That is going to alter things globally so it may be necessary to alter that so that it only runs on particular pages.

    Thanks to Tom J Nowell. Sometimes it is good to be wrong.