Is there any hook which is fired only when the post is “published” for the first time.
I dont want to execute my code when the post is “updated” or when its status is set to “not-published” and then “published” again.
function func_tion($post){
$post_id = $post->ID;
if ( !get_post_meta( $post_id, 'mycoderan', $single = true ) )
// run code to manipulate data
wp_enqueue_script('plugin_name',plugin_dir_url(__FILE__ ).'script.js');
$params = array() // set parameters
wp_localize_script('plugin_name', 'params', $params );
update_post_meta( $post_id, 'mycoderan', true );
hooks tend to generally solve the problem.To avoid running the code in case post status is changed to draft then published again (after already being published), implement a simple flag using the
functionality.Note: the updated hook should be ‘draft_to_publish’ instead of ‘draft_to_published’ however, the code below is not modified and should be if you plan to use in WP 3.5