Plugins rewrite rules not saved

So I’m not sure if I’m not understanding how rewrite rules should work or not. I would like to a number of links such as and that redirect to where venue-details is a page.

The following code more or less does this:

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add_filter( 'rewrite_rules_array','my_insert_rewrite_rules' );
function flushRules(){
    global $wp_rewrite;
function my_insert_rewrite_rules( $rules )
  $newrules = array();
// NB plan is to eventually loop through a DB table to generate rules for lots of clubs / venues.
    $newrules['clubA'] = 'index.php?pagename=venue-details';
    return $newrules + $rules;

Now what I was expecting was that ones the rules had been generated they would be permanently saved/cached so that generating the rules wouldn’t be needed for every page load. for example, add the rules when your plugin is activated, set and forget. But whatever I do they never stick around?

Is my expectation wrong and if not, how would I accomplish the persistence of rules?


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1 comment

  1. Hooking the init action add_filter('init','flushRules'); will lead to the rewrite rules being flushed with every page load.

    Instead you should call $wp_rewrite->flush_rules once, when your plugin is installed, by using the following:


    Remove the second filter hook and still keep the first filter hook, you already have:

    add_filter( 'rewrite_rules_array','my_insert_rewrite_rules' );

    That will lead to the custom rewrite rules being generated, when your activation function is called and also if some other plugin or an admin flushes the rewrite rules.

    add_filter( 'rewrite_rules_array','my_insert_rewrite_rules' );
    function flushRules() {
        global $wp_rewrite;
    function my_insert_rewrite_rules($rules) {
        // NB plan is to eventually loop through a DB table to generate rules for lots of clubs / venues.
        $rules['clubA'] = 'index.php?pagename=venue-details';
        return $rules;

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