Plugin to show a widget hashtag as widget or shortcode?

Is there a plugin that will show the results of a Twitter hashtag search either as a a widget or in a post/page via a shortcode? The shortcode is preferred.


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  1. There’s Tweet Blender, seems pretty flexible and full of options:

    Provides several Twitter widgets: show
    your own tweets, show tweets relevant
    to post’s tags, show tweets for
    Twitter lists, show tweets for hashtags

    Twitter Hash Tag Widget:

    A widget for displaying the most
    recent twitter status updates for a
    particular hash tag.

    Twitter Tracker:

    A widget which allows you to specify
    and display a Twitter search (or a
    Twitter hashtag) in your sidebar.
    Twitter searches are very flexible,
    and you can display anything from
    Hashtags to individual, or aggregated
    Twitter streams.

    Hope these work. To add shortcode support would be pretty easy for any of the developers of these plugins, so it would just be a matter of asking them to do so.