PHP/WordPress – how to make a complete condition

I am trying something here, I want to make a condition that allows me to fetch an info from a row in a Mysql if the page title is the same with a value from table “names”/column “lastname”. Here I had made a table “names”
The “firstname” column would be unique in this table.

|      id | firstname | lastname |
|       1 | John      |   Smith  |
|       2 | Jane      |   Smith  |
|       3 | Jimbo     |   Jones  |
|       4 | Andy      |   Smith  |
|       7 | Chris     |   Jones  |
|      45 | Anna      |   Bell   |
|      44 | Jimmy     |   Carr   |
|      43 | Albert    |   Smith  |
|      47 | Johnna    |   Doe    |

If the page name is equal to “Jimbo” than display “Jones” else error text (but still showing) or so. I don’t know if this way good is while I don’t have any ideeas anymore.
The code that i am using so far:

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<?php echo get_the_title($ID); ?>

– for fetching the title –

$result = mysql_query("SELECT lastname FROM names WHERE id = '2'");
if (!$result) {
echo 'error:bla ' . mysql_error();
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);

echo $row[0]; // 2
echo $row[1]; // 
  • For fetching the row –

In WordPress I am using PHP code for posts and pages (I can make a shortcode).

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