I need help making a search query for comments (it’s for a WordPress site).
the comments are retrieved this way- if user is logged in:
$comments = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("
SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d
AND (comment_approved = '1' OR (user_id = %d AND comment_approved = '0'))
ORDER BY comment_date_gmt", $post->ID, $user_ID));
if not:
$comments = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("
SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = %d
AND (comment_approved = '1' OR (comment_author = %s
AND comment_author_email = %s AND comment_approved = '0'))
ORDER BY comment_date_gmt",
$post->ID, wp_specialchars_decode($comment_author,ENT_QUOTES),
so I how can I filter comments that contain a specific search string, like $_GET['search_query']
this is WP’s database structure. The search string I’m looking for is in comment_content
use LIKE
You can put them all in an array and use array_search:
You can also use wp google search query widge. i used it before and
it’s great:
It’ll match any number of characters before and after the search string.