I need help in rewriting the query below to accept a second and a second + third qualification.
Example meta keys and values:
meta_key = trees
meta_value = pine, oak, sequoia
meta_key = states
meta_value = california, washington, florida
meta_key = countries
meta_value = usa, uk, ireland
I attempted to add these AND statements but I was not able to cause it to work properly.
Second qualification:
AND (pm.meta_key = 'states' AND pm.meta_value = 'california')
Second and third qualification:
AND (pm.meta_key = 'states' AND pm.meta_value = 'california')
AND (pm.meta_key = 'countires' AND pm.meta_value = 'usa')
Function with query I need help in rewritting:
function get_unique_post_meta_values( $key = 'trees', $type = 'post', $status = 'publish' ) {
global $wpdb;
if( empty( $key ) )
$res = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "
SELECT DISTINCT pm.meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} pm
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON p.ID = pm.post_id
WHERE pm.meta_key = '%s'
AND p.post_status = '%s'
AND p.post_type = '%s'
", $key, $status, $type ) );
return $res;
Thanks in advance for your help! Please let me know if further clarification is required.
If the function sets
, what is the point of an empty check? Additionally, I think you are missing the curly brackets. You are selecting ‘pm.meta_value’, which is why are you doing a LEFT JOIN, I think? Maybe seeing your DB structure would help me understand that, but an INNER JOIN is what you want.Try this. If it doesn’t work then update this question with more details and I will help guide you further.