I am having a weird issues… i have installed WordPress locally (I’m on Ubuntu) and I’m now having troubles accessign an image file… in css I have:
.sprites{ background:url("sprites.png") top left no-repeat; }
._r3_c5{ width:210px; height:204px; background-position:-10px -10px; }
When I try to do:
<div class="sprites _r3_c5">
I don’t see anything.
If I then check my source, and try yo open the (broken) image in a new tab, I get this message:
You don't have permission to access /current/alex/wp-content/themes/starkers/sprites.png on this server.
Would anybody know the reason for this?
It seems to be directory permission issue, because you are trying fetch a file using http.
How about setting directory permission to 755 or 777?
Sounds like permissions issues with the account in Ubuntu that is used by Apache for the web site (this is usually different than your user account). Check the owner, group and permissions for the file/folder and adjust as needed.
This is a link from the WordPress codex about security. http://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress