Percent-escapes in URL converted to latin charset on IIS 8.5

After migrating to a new Windows IIS 8.5 server requests are not passed through as UTF-8 characters but single byte latin characters.

UTF-8 characters are needed in order to use pretty or SEO friendly URL’s on our WordPress and Joomla installations.

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From PHP a $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] looks like this

/ p r e s s e / p r  ø  v e s i d e
2f7072657373652f7072 f8 766573696465

In the web.config file in the web server root we have

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <add key="aspnet:UseLegacyRequestUrlGeneration" value="true" />
         uiCulture="da-DK" />

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  1. Applying the following change to the registry fixed the problem

    reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesw3svcParameters /v FastCGIUtf8ServerVariables /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d REQUEST_URIPATH_INFO

    Seems the Microsoft KB2277918 hot-fix from IIS 7.5 is rolled into IIS 8.5

    After applying the registry changes $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] looks like this in PHP

    / p r e s s e / p r  Ã ¸  v e s i d e
    2f7072657373652f7072 c3b8 766573696465

    The bytes C3 B8 being the danish letter ‘ø’.