Per Post Type Revision Numbers

In wp-config.php you’re able to change how WordPress deals with post revisions. Specifically you’re able to turn them off or specify a max number of revisions.

I’d like to be able to set a max number or revisions on a post type basis.

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Is this possible?

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    1. Remove the action 'wp_save_post_revision' from 'pre_post_update'. It is set per default in wp-includes/default-filters.php with the default priority (10).

    2. Add your own function to this hook. You get the $post_ID as parameter, so detecting the post type is easy.

    3. In your callback copy the code from wp_save_post_revision() but use the constant WP_POST_REVISIONS for the post type post only, and use different values for other post types. Not sure if it is possible to pass extra values in register_post_type() …

  1. This is possible but it’s not as simple as changing the WP_POST_REVISIONS property in the wp-config.php. This is possible by adding a filter to the ‘wp_insert_post_data’.

    Adding a filter is done like this:

    add_filter('wp_insert_post_data' , 'my_insert_post_data');
    function my_insert_post_data($data , $postarr) {
      // Check the revision stuff
      return $data;