Opendir and WordPress Path

I wrote a simple function to get the contents in a folder (called templates) in my wordpress plugin, but am having problems getting the path to work (thus the function always dies). My question is: Is there a wordpress function or something that will give me the path to my plugin as required for the opendir function to work?

 function get_templates(){

    $path =   '[path to my plugin]/templates';

$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Cannot open the damn file $path");

 while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {

  if(substr($file,-3) == "php" )


  $TheLinkedFile = $path."/".$file;
 if(file_exists($TheLinkedFile)) {

echo $TheLinkedFile.'<br>';
 } else {
echo "nothing";



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  1. Here is an example…

     $path  = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__); 
     // within your plugin 
     $path .= 'templates';                
     //..continue with your script...
     $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Cannot open the damn file $path");


    I tested the rest of your script by the way, to see if it in fact did read the directory and list files with the *.php extension and it wouldn’t work.

    Instead after modifying it to;

    $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Cannot open the damn file $path");
    while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
        //get length of filename inc. extension
        $length_of_filename = strlen($file); 
        //strip all but last three characters from file name to get extension
        $ext = substr($file, -3, $length_of_filename); 
        if($ext == "php" ) {
        $TheLinkedFile = $path."/".$file;
            if(file_exists($TheLinkedFile)) {
                echo $TheLinkedFile.'<br>';
            } else {
                echo "nothing";

    It works…

  2. I recently used the following code for batch processing some images but you can modify it to suit your needs:

    $dir = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'path/to/files/';
    foreach ( glob( $dir . '*.php' ) as $file ) {
        $file_name = basename( $file );
        // do what you want with  $file - no need to check for existence

    Note: The purpose of my answer is to show an alternative way of doing this. An example use of this code can be found here on line 253.