Open a Thickbox with content trough AJAX

I added a custom button to the TinyMCE editor, and I want to open WP’s Thickbox when I click on it.

How can I make it so that the tb_show() function loads the content I want with ajax?

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// the ajax
add_action('wp_ajax_getTheContent', 'getTheContent');
function getTheContent(){
  echo 'weqwtegeqgr'; // <- this should be displayed in the TB

Here’s some of the editor plugin code I’m using:

init : function(ed, url) {
  ed.addButton('do_stuff', {
    title : 'Do Stuff',
    image : url + '/icon.gif',
    onclick : function() {

So the OpenMyThickbox javascript function should do what I want:

function OpenMyThickbox(tag){
  tb_show(tag, '...'); // <- how to load content trough ajax here ?

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  1. The second parameter for tb_show is the URL, so you’ll want to use something like..

    $ajax_url = add_query_arg( 
            'action' => 'getTheContent', 
            'query_var1' => 'value1', 
            'query_var2' => 'value2' 
        admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) 
    tb_show(tag, '<?php echo $ajax_url; ?>' );

    I’d guess you need to pass the action and any additional query vars manually(as per above), else your request is simply for admin-ajax.php, when what you are looking for is something along the lines of … admin-ajax.php?action=getTheContent&someothervar=someothervalue, hence the add_query_arg usage above..

    For clarification:

    The following call to add_query_arg

            'action' => 'getTheContent', 
            'query_var1' => 'value1', 
            'query_var2' => 'value2' 
        admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) 

    Is equivalent to and will produce …


    Having now explained myself i’ve come to realise we don’t want the absolute URL and thus don’t need the call to admin_url in there. The code should instead be.

    $ajax_url = add_query_arg( 
            'action' => 'getTheContent', 
            'query_var1' => 'value1', 
            'query_var2' => 'value2' 
    tb_show(tag, '<?php echo $ajax_url; ?>'); 

    So the resulting URL looks something like this..


    Functions referenced in the above code samples:

  2. Messing up javascript and PHP is not very clever. This answer only confuse.

    tb_show is javascript
    add_query_arg is PHP

    so this solution is only valid in PHP and the proper code is

      <?php echo add_query_arg( array(
        'action' => 'getTheContent',
        'query_var1' => 'value1',
        'query_var2' => 'value2',
      ), 'admin-ajax.php'); ?>

    And in javascript is not valid at all as we can’t use add_query_arg