I am using WordPress with Contact Form 7 and Ninja Popups. I would like to open a popup when the form is sent using CF7’s additional settings. I have tried:
on_sent_ok: "snp_open_popup(’’,’’,’snppopup-content-POPUPID’,’content’);"
(where POPUPID is the ID of the ninja popup that I want to open) which is not working.
Some javascript examples to call a popup using ninja popups:
POPUP_ID=’25’ ;snp_open_popup(’’, ’’, ‘snppopup-content-’ + POPUP_ID, ‘content’);
jQuery(“SELECTOR”).click(function(){ return snp_open_popup(’’,’’,’snppopup-content-POPUPIDHERE’,’content’); });
This is used with the ninja popup shortcode inside the page/post content: [ninja-popup ID=XX] or
onclick=”return snp_open_popup(’’,’’,’snppopup-content-POPUPIDHERE’,’content’); ”
and [ninja-popup ID=XX] in the page content.
I figure that with this, there has to be a way to call the popup using the on_sent_ok but I haven’t been able to figure it out.
For Show PopUp
For Close PopUp wit TimeOut
For Close PopUp