Only show top level categories on a WooCommerce home page

I’m setting up a new shop using the WooCommerce plugin and so far all is working 100% except now I’d like to only show the Top Level Categories on the home page instead of Categories and Sub Categories.

My shop has 4 main categories and 25-50 sub categories and it’s making the home page look ugly.. is there an automatic way to only shop the top 4 catgegories or am I going to have to do this manually?

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I’m using the ShopKeeper theme

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  1. hi you need to use woo commerce shortcode on shop page.

    [product_categories number="4" parent="0"]
  2. To show ALL top level categories:

    [product_categories number=”0″ parent=”0″]

  3. Just a supplemental, enter the ID of the category within parent to display the children of that category. Easily find this by going to Products > Categories, hovering over the link of the required category and finding the ID in the URI.

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