Notify multiple email addresses on comments

Can you recommend a plugin that enables notification on multiple email addresses on posted comments? Looking for a plugin that both notifies a global list of email addresses and the author of the post.

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  1. Post authors are notified of new comments by default; there are several plugins that modify this behavior. See wp_notify_postauthor.

    You can hook into comment_notification_recipients and add an aribtrary list of recipients as described here. Then you could create a metabox or dashboard widget to manage the recipient list.

    Keep in mind that this functionality might be abused as a spam engine or turned into one unintentionally if your comment spam filtering is inadequate.

  2. Since that could lead to a whole bunch of e-mails being sent out to a whole lot of people I think what you are aiming at is that one of the persons that receives the e-mail needs to answer on a comment.

    For that purpose the following is maybe a better idea: install and set up a support@yoursite e-mail adres for incoming new tickets. Then create staff members for each of the persons that would need to get that information on a new comment.

    Now, when a comment is placed, a new ticket is created in the open queue. And can then be assigned to one of the members to process further. The “open queue” shows the tickets that noone has picked up yet and the “assigned” the ones that have been assigned.

    Probably a lot more use cases can then be handled.

    You can set it up in 20 minutes.