Notice: register_uninstall_hook was called incorrectly

I automatically updated my wordpress installation to the latest version. Everything looked normal unit “updating database…” where it got stuck. I waited for a long while and then closed the page, since nothing was happening.

Then I got a error message saying something about maintenance, which I got rid of after deleting the maintenance file.

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WordPress displays that it runs the latest version, but when I try to reinstall I get the same errror. I’ve tried disabling all plugins and switch to the default theme, but no luck.

I set the debug to true and I got this message:
Notice: register_uninstall_hook was called incorrectly. Only a static class method or function can be used in an uninstall hook. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information.

Everything looks normal except a image on the front page is breaking the layout.
Any tips?

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  1. The way I fixed this type of problem, was to do a global search in my project for the function call.

    Some plugins had been installed which had calls such as this:

    register_uninstall_hook(__FILE__, array($this,'uninstall_removedata'));

    but it should be this:

    register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, 'uninstall_removedata');

    If you see a message that something is called incorrectly, the Codex can be very helpful to make sure you use the correct syntax.

    In this case it is here:

  2. Some WordPress Plugin which you have installed is firing the uninstall hook and is not setup properly.

    Can you find the path to the file from the error message?