Non-Linear Questionnaires in WordPress

I want to make the following happen in WordPress

  1. People answer questions in paginated or single page form.
  2. Each next set of options is dependent on the option the user selects preiviously
  3. At the end, the user is directed to a page which is a common ending for all questionnaire trees.
  4. All this questionnaire options can be viewed/exported

Question: How can this be done? or if there is a plugin available for a similar purpose? If not wordpress, is there another CMS that offers this?

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  1. I don’t know of any plugin that does what you want, but you could implement your logic in the index.php or page.php, and simply include templates based on the contents of $_POST. The only thing to remember is to pass the values received at the subsequent stages of the form to the next stage (you can generate <input type="hidden"> fields).

    Alternatively, you may contain the entire form with all its branches in one template, and switch the branches on and off with javascript. jQuery makes it very easy to watch the form contents change, and to hide and show relevant parts of the form. This solution would enable you to use an existing form-building plugin, such as this powerful one: