Nivo Slider transition effects and Workz WordPress theme

I’m trying to alter the transition effects on the Nivo Slider that comes on the home page of the Workz theme (found here), but cannot find the javascript. I’ve looked in the PHP files but unless I’m missing it somwehere, I don’t seem to be able see the relevant script. I want to change the effect to ‘fade’ only and slow the transitions down to about 5-6 seconds. There’s no slider menu with the theme. Any help much appreciated.

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  1. If you cant find the settings anywhere in theme particularly in functions.php then try to change this javascript file in


    line 8 and 9 of the file shows speed and duration that you can change in miliseconds
    change 3000 to 5000 or 6000
    the line with effect: ‘random’ change ‘random’ to ‘fade’

    $(window).load(function() {
            effect: 'random', // Specify sets like: 'fold,fade,sliceDown' <-- set to fade
            slices: 15, // For slice animations
            boxCols: 8, // For box animations
            boxRows: 4, // For box animations
            animSpeed: 300, // Slide transition speed
            pauseTime: 3000, // How long each slide will show <-- this is 3 seconds
            startSlide: 0, // Set starting Slide (0 index)
            directionNav: true, // Next & Prev navigation
            directionNavHide: false, // Only show on hover
            controlNav: true, // 1,2,3... navigation
            controlNavThumbs: false, // Use thumbnails for Control Nav
            controlNavThumbsFromRel: false, // Use image rel for thumbs
            controlNavThumbsSearch: '.jpg', // Replace this with...
            controlNavThumbsReplace: '_thumb.jpg', // ...this in thumb Image src
            keyboardNav: true, // Use left & right arrows
            pauseOnHover: true, // Stop animation while hovering
            manualAdvance: false, // Force manual transitions
            captionOpacity: 0.6, // Universal caption opacity
            prevText: 'Prev', // Prev directionNav text
            nextText: 'Next', // Next directionNav text
            beforeChange: function(){}, // Triggers before a slide transition
            afterChange: function(){}, // Triggers after a slide transition
            slideshowEnd: function(){}, // Triggers after all slides have been shown
            lastSlide: function(){}, // Triggers when last slide is shown
            afterLoad: function(){} // Triggers when slider has loaded
        }); // END nivo
        });// END window load
      });// END function

    Change the line with 3000 to 5000 or 6000 to set to 5 or 6 seconds.