NextGen Gallery Slideshow Positioning Issue

I have been having an issue with the non-flash version of the NextGen Slideshow on my website.

The slideshow seems to initially load the first slide about 5px below the desired position. The slide then moves up about a second or 2 later into the correct position. I have tried putting the slideshow in other widget areas and all result in the same positioning error.

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The page in question in here:

So far have been unable to get any support, but would really appreciate it if anyone can reccomend a solution.

Many Thanks

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  1. Someone has just answered the question for me on the wordpress forum.

    It turns out that there was 5px of padding in the gallerys css file (line 301) that I hadn’t found:

    .ngg-widget, .ngg-widget-slideshow {
    padding:5px 0 0 0; <— change this to 0 0 0 0 or just 0

    I didn’t add this, so it seems like the css have been like this in the first place. So if anyone else has this problem in the future just change that 5 to a 0.