nextgen gallery: how to get picture url by gallery id

All posts in my site have custom field with nextgen gallery ID. To display gallery I use this code:

$gallery_id = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'galerijos_id', true); // Get gallery id from custom field data
 if( $gallery_id ){
   echo '<div class="post-gallery">';
   echo nggShowGallery( $gallery_id ); // Display the gallery
   echo '</div>';

How do I get pictures urls by gallery ID? I need url to pass to xml file. Thanks in advance.

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  1. After analyzing nextgen core files I have found solution to my problem. I hope it will be useful for somebody.

    global $nggdb;
    $get_gall_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'galerijos_id', true);
    $gall_ids = $nggdb->get_ids_from_gallery($get_gall_id);
    $images = $nggdb->get_gallery($get_gall_id);
    foreach ( $gall_ids as $gall_id ) {
    echo $images[$gall_id]->imageURL .'<br>';
  2. For me Paulius’s answer wasn’t working, here is the change that worked

    global $nggdb;
    $get_gall_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'galerijos_id', true);
    $img_ids = $nggdb->get_ids_from_gallery($get_gall_id);
    foreach ( $img_ids as $img_id ) {
     $img = $nggdb->find_image($img_id);
     echo $img->get_permalink() .'<br>';