MySQL: WHERE value is greater than Min and less than Max

This is my query:

SELECT wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.post_title, lat.meta_value AS latitude, lng.meta_value AS longitude, info1.meta_value AS street_no, info2.meta_value AS street, info3.meta_value AS street_suffix, price.meta_value AS price,
        ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians( '{$latitude}' ) ) * cos( radians( lat.meta_value ) ) * cos( radians( lng.meta_value ) - radians( '{$longitude}' ) ) + sin( radians( '{$latitude}' ) ) * sin( radians( lat.meta_value ) ) ) ) AS distance

        FROM wp_posts

        LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS lat 
            ON lat.post_id = wp_posts.ID 
                AND lat.meta_key = 'property_lat'

        LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS lng 
            ON lng.post_id = wp_posts.ID 
                AND lng.meta_key = 'property_long'

        LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS info1 
            ON info1.post_id = wp_posts.ID 
                AND info1.meta_key = 'street_no'

        LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS info2 
            ON info2.post_id = wp_posts.ID 
                AND info2.meta_key = 'street'

        LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS info3 
            ON info3.post_id = wp_posts.ID 
                AND info3.meta_key = 'street_suffix'

        LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS price 
            ON price.post_id = wp_posts.ID 
                AND price.meta_key = 'price_current'

        WHERE lat.meta_key IS NOT NULL

        HAVING distance < 30

        LIMIT 0, 20

I need to update the WHERE statemtent to take into account price_min and price_max values… only returning results WHERE price is >= {$price_min} AND <= {$price_max}

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I hope that makes sense…

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1 comment

  1. Assuming you are only getting one row per id, I would suggest you rewrite your query as an aggregation:

    select p.*,
           ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians( '{$latitude}' ) ) * cos( radians( latitude ) ) * cos( radians( longitude ) - radians( '{$longitude}' ) ) + sin( radians( '{$latitude}' ) ) * sin( radians( latitude ) ) ) ) AS distance
    from (select,
                 max(case when meta_key = 'property_lat' then meta_value end) as latitude,
                 max(case when meta_key = 'property_long' then meta_value end) as longitude,
                 max(case when meta_key = 'street_no' then meta_value end) as street_no,
                 max(case when meta_key = 'street' then meta_value end) as street,
                 max(case when meta_key = 'street_suffix' then meta_value end) as street_suffix,
                 max(case when meta_key = 'price_current' then meta_value end) as price_current
          from wp_posts p
          group by
        ) p
    WHERE latitude IS NOT NULL and distance < 30
    LIMIT 0, 20

    This query is untested, so it may have syntax errors.

    With this structure, you can just add:

    price_current is >= {$price_min} AND <= {$price_max}

    to the outer query. I am assuming you mean price_current, since price is not in the original query.