Using WordPress with WordPress MultiLanguage. I noticed a page was 404ing, so I dumped the query that was being output, and got the following (formatted exactly like below):
SELECT newsite_posts.* FROM newsite_posts JOIN newsite_icl_translations t ON newsite_posts.ID = t.element_id
AND t.element_type = 'post_sectors' JOIN newsite_icl_languages l ON t.language_code=l.code AND WHERE 1=1 AND newsite_posts.post_name = 'advisory-practice' AND newsite_posts.ID = 456 AND newsite_posts.post_type = 'sectors' AND t.language_code='es' ORDER BY newsite_posts.post_date DESC
Threw it in PHPMyAdmin SQL tab, got 0 results. Beneath the part where it says “MySQL returned an empty result set”, it reoutputted my query for me, formatted like below:
SELECT newsite_posts. *
FROM newsite_posts
JOIN newsite_icl_translations t ON newsite_posts.ID = t.element_id
AND t.element_type = 'post_sectors'
JOIN newsite_icl_languages l ON t.language_code = l.code
AND =1
WHERE 1 =1
AND newsite_posts.post_name = 'advisory-practice'
AND newsite_posts.ID =456
AND newsite_posts.post_type = 'sectors'
AND t.language_code = 'es'
ORDER BY newsite_posts.post_date DESC
so I copied and pasted back into the SQL tab of phpmyadmin and it works, 1 row found. This is the same exact query, formatted differently. What is going on here? This is affecting my code, too, it’s not just a phpmyadmin bug. Am I crazy? Am I missing something?