Does anybody know of a way to modify the wordpress template process so that a single custom post type can be displayed on two separate templates based on the value of a custom field.
For example I have a single Custom Post Type called “plans”
It is using the single-plans.php and archive-plans.php files as templates by default.
What I would like to do is use this bit of code to filter out some of the results within my loop.
<?php //Filter the results based on the presence of $var
$var = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'my_custom_field', true);
if($var !== '') { ?>
<?php } ?>
This works fine but i need create two separate templates where I can test for separate $var
so I can have two menu items that each call on a separate version of the template and get a unique set of results from my single CPT
Thanks, Eric
Might be side-stepping your question, but can you use get_template_part?
Then create “plans_plana.php” and “plans_planb.php” (assuming that ‘my_custom_field’ can have values of ‘plana’ and ‘planb’).
twentyten and twentyeleven make heavy use of get_template_part if you need some more examples.