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  1. I have solved this strange problem by myself. Share my experience to all.

    Find these 2 lines in /etc/php.ini

    upload_max_filesize 16M 
    post_max_size 16M

    Add common before, so that change as:

    ;upload_max_filesize 16M 
    ;post_max_size 16M

    And final, do not forget restart apache: service httpd restart via SSH.

    Then I could login into my site under linux as the win7 system.

  2. I think that you may need to modify some data in your database.

    Assuming your table prefix is wp_ and your database is wordpress

    1) Open up the database Admin

    2) Look under the wp_options table and look for siteurl verify it is correct.

    3) If you have multisite, look under each wp_XX_options and verify the siteurl is correct.

    4) Head to the login page… and login

    5) Problem Solved. (hopefully)