Migration of WordPress sites to a local WAMPserver, now the pages cannot be found

Recently at our agency we needed to do a serious overhaul of our servers, so I’ve had to migrate the sites onto a local host machine so that I could work on them in the meantime. I used WAMPserver to host the sites, and the sites are powered by WordPress. When the move was complete, I checked the sites on my local host to see how they looked. The front pages looked perfectly fine, but whenever I tried to navigate to the inner pages, I was met with nothing but 404s. My supervisor believes it might be connection issue, but I wanted to check here first to see if anyone else had similar problems.

OS: Windows 7
WAMPserver version: 2.2

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Steps already taken

  • I made sure that the local databases were named exactly as they were on the original server, and I double-checked with the wp-config file.
  • I made sure to obtain the SQL files for the databases and imported
    them in phpmyadmin.
  • I went into the SQL files and changed all of the links (changed all instances of http://www.sitename.com to http://localhost/sitename)
  • I logged into the WordPress admin dashboard to check if all of the content was actually there. Everything was intact, but even clicking on “view post/page” on each individual post/page resulted in a 404.
  • I tried returning the permalink options to default and then changing them back, but that didn’t work.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide any more information as I am no longer in the office. I hope that I can receive some help by the time I go back in tomorrow morning.

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  1. It sounds like an issue with mod_rewrite. Try adding AllowOverride All to your virtual host.

    If that doesn’t work then also check your httpd.conf for the following line

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

    Make sure it’s not commented out.

  2. In my case I migrated from example.com to localhost/example when this error started showing up. mod_rewrite was on. What I had to do was edit .htaccess and change the last line in the block <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> (line 8 for me) from this

    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    to this

    RewriteRule . /example/index.php [L]