Menu on Button Hover

I am trying to make a menu for a WordPress theme but I’m having some trouble.

I would like the menu to be hidden and show only when we hover the button. The menu is a child of a sibling div, something like this:

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<div id="menuicon>MENU ICON HERE</div>

<nav id="site-navigation">
    <div class="menu">

How can I use CSS to make it so that when I hover the #menuicon the .menu would show up. And again disappear when we are not anymore over the .menu nor the #menuicon?

I have tried several things, but I don’t seem to get there. Now I have it like this:

    visibility: hidden;
#menuicon:hover .menu{
visibility: visible;

I think I would need to be able to select the child .menu of sibling #site-navigation from our hover on #menuicon. Is this correct thinking?
Is this something I can do with CSS or do I need to use jQuery?

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    1. The HTML is invalid
    2. There’s not such thing as invisible, it’s hidden.
    3. You can either change the markup or use the adjacent sibling selector (+) or the general sibling selector (~) if CSS3 is OK

    .menu {
        visibility: hidden;
    #menuicon:hover ~ #site-navigation .menu {
        visibility: visible;


    or change the markup to

    <div id="menuicon">MENU ICON HERE
        <nav id="site-navigation">
            <div class="menu">dsadsds