Media won’t upload on WordPress via EC2 instance

I have install WordPress have it all working on an EC2 instance and RDS.

One small problem I am having is uploading images through the media/image uploader on the wp-admin it keeps saying the following:

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‘“FC1.jpeg” has failed to upload due to an error
The uploaded file could not be moved to /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/2012/06.’

I think it’s most likely the permissions of the folder, because I used it yesterday and it worked, but after i sort of messed around with the chmod command on ssh.

I know the wp-content folder should be 775 and I have tried that but it doesn’t work.

Any help?


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  1. The permissions you used gave full privileges to the owner so they should work. Check to see who the owner and group are (ls -l on a *nix system).

    You will need to know the webserver user and group. Check with your sysadmin (or in /etc/passwd). On *nix systems it is often ww-data or apache.

    The owner and group should be set to the webserver. If they are not, run sudo chown webserverUser:webserverGroup.