Masonry is not loading on WordPress blog

I’ve been trying to get Masonry to stack my posts on this blog for the past two days: The posts should stack neatly with no whitespace. Instead posts float as usual, with lots of vertical whitespace.

This is a WordPress blog, and I’ve added the javascript with the enqueue function. According to Firebug, the javascripts are loading correctly.

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The last script I load is the function to trigger Masonry, it is this:

    // options
    itemSelector : '.post',
    columnWidth : 240

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1 comment

  1. It looks like you have an error with your brackets.

    Try this… I ran it on your site and it functions. Might require some tweaking, that I currently dont have time to do 🙂

    jQuery(function () { 
       itemSelector: '.post', 
       columnWidth: 240 