Let’s say my blog lives here…
Let’s say I have an infinite number of arbitrary URLs…
I would like the theme wrapper to load the browse.php template for any pages that match the /browse/ URL pattern.
I was able to make this happen, however, while the template content loads in just fine, WordPress is treating the page as a 404 page in the background. So the page title is “Page Not Found”, and built-in functions such as “is_404()” are returning true. Is there any way to map these dynamic pages and have WordPress think they are valid?
Here’s the code I came up with…
add_filter('template_include', function($template) {
global $wp_query;
if ($wp_query->query['category_name'] === 'browse') {
$template = locate_template(array('browse.php'));
return $template;
}, 99);
By the way, this method works because my permalink structure is set to /%category%/%postname%/
— so currently, WordPress sees these /browse/ pages as a category and therefore, I am able to check against the “category_name” object.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
The problem here is that you just filter the template that should be displayed – so WordPress send a 404, and you just tell him to show a different template for your 404 page for this special case.
What you need to do is to create a page in admin and associate it to your template – doesn’t matter if you don’t use content or title of it. You just need to attach a post/page to your template in order to make a valid rewrite rule.
You can create that page from your plugin on activation with the following (it will store the page ID as an option):
You must use this in your plugin file, and deactivate/reactivate your plugin to make it trigger.
To make your template recognized by WordPress, add the following at the top of your template:
Then, in your functions.php, add the following in order to define a new rewrite tag to handle your category:
And finally, add a rewrite rule that will use the page ID previously created and the rewrite tag:
To access the category parameter in your template, use the following: