Mamp localhost resolving very slowly

When I make local changes to my PHP / WordPress website, the localhost does not seem to update for 20-30 minutes.

I’m on Mac OSX 10.8.4 and using MAMP Pro. I have two sites that I have created separate host entries for, let’s call them and

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Here is my MAMP Server configuration:

Apache: 80
MySQL: 3306
SSL: 443

I saw this article ( How can I eliminate slow resolving/loading of localhost/virtualhost (a 2-3 second lag) on Mac OS X Lion? ) on the Bonjour conflicts and edited my /private/etc/hosts file with the suggestions in this article:

  1. I changed the host names from mysite1.localhost to because it sounds like the conflict is with .local names – DID NOT WORK
  2. I updated the Hosts file to have separate ::1 addresses – DID NOT WORK:

    ::1 <tab>
    ::1 <tab>
  3. I tried putting all of my host entries onto one line – also didn’t work: localhost
    ::1 localhost
    fe80::1%lo0 localhost

It seems like MAMP Pro overwrites the hosts file any time I restart the server.

I would be SUPER grateful for any help you can offer.

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  1. I had the same problem and found the solution on this post: MAMP time between seeing live changes

    The instructions, which I followed:

    The solution is uncommenting lines in the php.ini file, which can be found in

    /{MAMP Directory}/bin/php/php5.5.3/conf/php.ini

    Comment out Opcache:

    ;  opcache.memory_consumption=128
    ;  opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8
    ;  opcache.max_accelerated_files=4000
    ;  opcache.revalidate_freq=60
    ;  opcache.fast_shutdown=1
    ;  opcache.enable_cli=1

    Documentation ( yes it started in 5.5 ):

  2. I’ve been struggling with this issue ever since switching to SSL for my local environment (thanks, Salesforce API) and finally found a solution that worked for me:

    Disable Xdebug

    Turning off Xdebug cut TTFB from 25 seconds to 2. Yeesh.

  3. I had similar problems running php 5.5.3. After I changed back to 5.4.19 it worked.

    You can change the version in the MAMP GUI. You might have to rename your 5.5.3 folder to 5.5.X for 5.4.19 to show up in the GUI. The php folders are placed at: Applications/MAMP/bin/php

  4. The solution that worked for me was to turn off Xdebug as @tammy-shipps mentioned. However since I have the vanilla MAMP version, I had to turn off Xdebug with the php.ini file found here:

    /{MAMP Directory}/bin/php/{PHP Version}/conf/php.ini

    Then change xdebug.remote_enable from 1 to 0:


    Unlike other proposed solutions, turning off cache or changing ports had no affect on the problem.

  5. MAMP’s default ports are non-standard. When I switched to standard ports (80 for Apache & 443 for SSL), it sped up dramatically.

    I’m not sure if this is what Paul Bakker did, or if he switched the other way.

    I’m using MAMP Pro 4.2, PHP 7.1.6, Apache, OS X 10.11.6.

  6. It was really hard, but I found a solution that it works in my environment:

    • MAMP 4.2.1
    • PHP 5.6.31

    SETTINGS left menu > Ports settings > Run servers as: > Change it to “Unix Users” option.

    enter image description here

  7. I was having same issue, I had added virtual host ending with .local which was causing 5 seconds delay in lookup.

    To fix this I updated host file.

    sudo nano /etc/hosts

    And added my site with IPv6 address along with ::1 and

    ::1             mysite.local       mysite.local
    fe80::1%lo0     mysite.local
  8. Setting xdebug.remote_host to to instead of “localhost” solved this issue for me. This skips IPV6 resolution, which caused the delay.

    Switching off remote_enable is not an option, because it kills debugging in PHPStorm:

  9. I’m not sure about Mamp, however, I use php -S to spin up a local server. Its response got very slow after moving to Mojave.

    I was able to fix it by updating /etc/hosts file with

    ::1             localhost YouMacName.local       localhost YouMacName.local

    You can get YourMacName.local by running in terminal:

    $ hostname