I am currently trying to code a wordpress layout using Bootstrap 3.0. Right now I’m trying to get my nav bar to work. I found the NavWalker mod by TwitterM and followed his instructions and almost succeeded.
The problem is that the navbar isn’t showing up as a one line bavbar. It’s displaying each menu item on a new line.
Here’s the code that I placed in my header after installing the walker mod (the code for that can be viewed here: http://twittem.github.io/wp-bootstrap-navwalker/):
<div class="navbar">
wp_nav_menu( array(
'menu' => 'primary_menu',
'depth' => 2,
'container' => false,
'menu_class' => 'nav',
'fallback_cb' => 'wp_page_menu',
//Process nav menu using our custom nav walker
'walker' => new wp_bootstrap_navwalker())
A display of the issue is here on my site: http://noellesnotes.com/tester
If anyone has any suggestions, they would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks for your time,
This is pretty simple, but took me about an hour to figure out.
Just change your code to:
CeeJayOz figured out the anser to this problem. I needed to downgrade to Bootstrap version two and the mod worked.
The walker does work with 3.0 the issue is that you must assign the menu to your given menu name in the WordPress admin. I am working to solve this in the main script but as long as it is assigned it will work just fine.
The issue is if a menu is not assigned in the admin it uses the wp_page_menu() fallback which does not support custom walkers.
-Edward (@twitem)