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  1. Using GET variables for usernames and passwords is never a good idea. But anyway, something like the following should work

    if(isset($_GET['log']) && isset($_GET['pwd'])){
        $creds = array();
        $creds['user_login'] = $_GET['log'];
        $creds['user_login'] = $_GET['pwd'];
        $creds['remember'] = true; //Do you want the log-in details to be remembered?
        $user = wp_signon( $creds, false );
        if ( is_wp_error($user) )
           echo $user->get_error_message(); //Display error message if log-in fails

    You can put this in a template and then create a page using that template to create an alternative log-in page. In that case, you’ll want to go to : http://[url of page]?log=username&pwd=password

    To get http://mysite.com/wp-login.php?log=username&pwd=password, you will have to put the above code in the wp-login.php core file. Rather than adapting the code (which will be overwritten when you next update WordPress), I recommend using a hook. Like, so (put this in your functions.php or a plug-in):

    add_action('init', 'GET_login');
    function GET_login() {
        //Check that we are on the log-in page
        if(in_array($GLOBALS['pagenow'], array('wp-login.php'))):
        //Check that log and pwd are set
            if(isset($_GET['log']) && isset($_GET['pwd'])):
                $creds = array();
                $creds['user_login'] = $_GET['log'];
                $creds['user_password'] = $_GET['pwd'];
                $creds['remember'] = true; //Do you want the log-in details to be remembered?
                //Where do we go after log-in?
                $redirect_to = admin_url('profile.php');
                //Try logging in
                $user = wp_signon( $creds, false );
                if ( is_wp_error($user) ){
                    //Log-in failed
                    //Logged in, now redirect
                    $redirect_to = admin_url('profile.php');
        //If we are not on the log-in page or credentials are not set, carry on as normal

    Our function is run using init hook. It first checks that we are on the ./wp-login.php page, and then that the log and pwd variables are set. If not, we carry on as normal. If they are, we attempt a log-in, using wp_signon. If we are successful, we are redirected (wherever you like), otherwise if it fails, we do something (display errors, maybe?).

    Hope that helps