I have a WordPress plugins script
Plugin Name: Saswat Routroy
Plugin URI: http://www.maheshchari.com/
Description: Description of my plugin
Author URI: http://www.maheshchari.com/
class new_menu {
function new_menu()
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'my_admin_menu'));
function my_admin_menu()
{ //create a main admin panel
//create a sub admin panel link above
add_menu_page('CMS', 'CMS', 'administrator', 8, array(&$this,'overview'));
add_submenu_page(8, 'View CMS Page', 'View CMS Page', 'administrator', 1, array(&$this,'view_page'));
add_submenu_page(8, 'Add CMS Page', 'Add CMS Page', 'administrator', 2, array(&$this,'add_page'));
//These functions adds sub menu for different kinds of admin panel on back end
add_options_page('Pages Options', 'Saswat Plugin', 'administrator', basename(__file__),array(&$this, 'my_plugin_options'));
add_posts_page('Pages posts', 'Saswat Plugin', 'administrator', basename(__file__),array(&$this, 'my_plugin_posts'));
add_media_page('Pages media', 'Saswat Plugin', 'administrator', basename(__file__),array(&$this, 'my_plugin_media'));
add_pages_page('Pages pages', 'Saswat Plugin', 'administrator', basename(__file__),array(&$this, 'my_plugin_pages'));
add_users_page('Pages users', 'Saswat Plugin', 'administrator', basename(__file__),array(&$this, 'my_plugin_users'));
add_management_page('maheshchari', 'Mahesh Plugin', 'administrator', basename(__file__),array(&$this, 'my_plugin_tools'));
add_theme_page('maheshchari', 'Mahesh Plugin', 'administrator', basename(__file__),array(&$this, 'my_plugin_themes'));
function overview()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin Overview</h2>';
function view_page()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin Settings</h2>';
function add_page()
//echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin Generel</h2>';
echo "<form method='POST' action=''>
<li><label for='fname'>Family Name (Sir Name)<span> *</span>: </label>
<input id='fname' maxlength='45' size='10' name='fname' value='' /></li>
<li><label for='lname'>Last Name<span> *</span>: </label>
<input id='lname' maxlength='45' size='10' name='lname' value='' /></li>
<li><label for='lname'>Last Name<span> *</span>: </label>
<input type='submit' maxlength='45' size='10' name='lname' value='' /></li>
function my_plugin_options()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin Options</h2>';
function my_plugin_posts()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin posts</h2>';
function my_plugin_media()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin media</h2>';
function my_plugin_pages()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin pages</h2>';
function my_plugin_users()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin users</h2>';
function my_plugin_tools()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin tools</h2>';
function my_plugin_themes()
echo '<h2>My WordPress Plugin themes</h2>';
$mybackuper = &new new_menu();//instance of the plugin class
The file is kept under wp-contentpluginsadmin-menunew_menu.php
Now in the function add_page() I am echoing the html. I don’t want to do this, is there way that I can load a .php page under the function without echoing the script.
Say something like
<?php get_template_part( 'content-home' );?>
I’m not sure understand you well. Here is a way to store an output without echo:
You can include a file and store its output in a var too:
Indeed I use these techniques in WP to output HTML via AJAX.
i got the answer