Load post content into iframe

I would like to load a WordPress post into an iframe when a link on a WordPress page is clicked. This is the link I currently have.

<a href="' . get_post_permalink($sight->ID) . '" target="map-loader">Read the report</a>

Then I want the content of that post (no header or footer etc) to load into an iframe when the link is clicked. This is the iframe that is on the page.

Read More
<iframe name="map-loader" src="map-iframe.php"></iframe>

I am half way there. When the link is clicked, the iframe loads a full wordpress page with the header and footer etc. what I want is the actual post content to be loaded into the iframe, no header or footer.

I have tried this in map-iframe.php but no success. Still loads the whole wordpress template.

<?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry »'); ?>

I’m thinking that my link needs something that specifies that I only want to load the post content.

Or would it be better to load with ajax?

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1 comment

  1. Not sure, but I think ajax solution would be more apropriate.

    But anyways, if I understand this corectly, you have an archive where full posts are loaded inside iframe.

    If this is a case you can modify template file (single.php) and remove header and footer

    take a look at Template Hierarchy

    for further reading I found this which will guide you to more advanced features:http://bavotasan.com/2009/custom-template-for-single-posts-in-wordpress/

    Note: if you also want to get rid of adminbar, try this: show_admin_bar(false); at the top of your code.

    Have not tested but if this does not work, you can hook inside init
    and check

    if(is_page()) {


    You can also setup a new page which will get post depending on ID.

    First lets create custom-template

    • In your themes folder create file template-iframe.php (for example)
    • put this code inside

    * Template Name: IFrame
       $id = intval($_GET["ID"]);
       $post = get_post($id);
    • Then go to dashboard and create page iframe and in the sidebar where it says: template, choose now created template (Iframe)
    • save and go to url and time http://yoururl.domain/iframe/?ID=1

    it should give you back your post

    Of course you need to design your own template.

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