List of all existing WordPress plugins

Is there a place from where I can get a list of all existing WordPress plugins located in

I am trying to test my website for vulnerabilities and need such list.

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  1. SVN

    You find a list of all plugins inside the SVN –


    Another option is the mirror on GitHub, there have a more useful API to doing thinks with the list. –


    Also, you can use the API and his functions to get a more usable solution to parse for changes, etc., see


    An additional service is which gives you also lot of helpful functions. WP Dir is a web service there allowing lightning fast regex searches of the WordPress Plugin/Theme Directories. Especially the regex is really helpful.

  2. Not the best answer but I tried to solve my own problem the best way I could.

    Getting a list of plugins

    This will not return ALL plugins but it will return the top rated ones:

    $plugins = plugins_api('query_plugins', array(
        'per_page' => 100,
        'browse' => 'top-rated',
        'fields' =>
                'short_description' => false,
                'description' => false,
                'sections' => false,
                'tested' => false,
                'requires' => false,
                'rating' => false,
                'ratings' => false,
                'downloaded' => false,
                'downloadlink' => false,
                'last_updated' => false,
                'added' => false,
                'tags' => false,
                'compatibility' => false,
                'homepage' => false,
                'versions' => false,
                'donate_link' => false,
                'reviews' => false,
                'banners' => false,
                'icons' => false,
                'active_installs' => false,
                'group' => false,
                'contributors' => false

    Save the data as JSON

    Since the data that we get is huge and it will be bad for performance, we try to get the name and the slug out of the array and then we write it in a JSON file:

    $plugins_json = '{' . PHP_EOL;
    // Get only the name and the slug
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
        foreach ($plugin as $key => $p) {
            if ($p->name != null) {
                // Let's beautify the JSON
                $plugins_json .= '  "'. $p->name . '": {' . PHP_EOL;
                $plugins_json .= '      "slug": "' . $p->slug . '"' . PHP_EOL;
                $plugins_json .= ($key !== key($plugin)) ? '    },' . PHP_EOL : '   }' . PHP_EOL;
    $plugins_json .= '}';
    file_put_contents('plugins.json', $plugins_json);

    Now we have a slim JSON file with only the data that we need.

    To keep updating the JSON file, we run that script to create a JSON file every 24 hours by setting up a Cron Job.