Linking php and javascript error in wordpress

I have got a javascript(jquery) file called custom.js in which i am using:

(function ($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {
            until: directorDate,
            layout: '{dn} {dl}',
            timezone: +7
            city: 'directorCity //The city is in a string.It used to be 'New York,US'
            placeTarget: '.weather-place',
            iconTarget: '.weather-icon',
            customIcons: 'dark/files/img/icons/weather/'

In my header i am using:

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<script>var directorDate = new Date(<?php $date = get_option('director_date');?>
<?php if( $date) : ?>
<?php echo $date; ?>
<?php endif; ?>);
var directorCity = <?php $city = get_option('director_city');?>
<?php if( $city) : ?>
<?php echo $city; ?>
<?php endif; ?></script>

Basically what is happening is that the header gets the data from a file themeoptions.php (A form in the wordpress admin for a user to input data.I have not shown it because the structure of both director_city and director_date is the same there) and then custom.js gets the data from the header.

Now the countdown runs however the city is not displayed. Why is that so?

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  1. You should probably echo the value instead of assigning it to a php variable like so:

    var directorCity = <?php echo $get_option('director_city');?>

    EDIT: It’s not entirely sure to me what you are trying to accomplish, you could perhaps try the following for tbe head:

    var directorDate = new Date(<?php echo get_option('director_date');?>
    var directorCity = <?php echo get_option('director_city');?>
  2. If your site is no longer working there is probably a error in your php. Please post your code here.

    This sort of thing is best done using wp_localize_script, but if you want to output it directly try something like this, think it’s a bit more readable than the other answers:

    //use ternary operator to check, otherwise we want an empty string
    $director_date = get_option('director_date') ? get_option('director_date') : '';
    $director_city = get_option('director_city') ? get_option('director_city') : '';
        var directorCity = <?php echo $director_city; ?> ;
        var directorDate = <?php echo $director_date; ?> ;

    Also I don’t know if it’s just a typing error in the code here or is actually in your javascript but in your options for openWeather you are passing

    city: 'directorCity'

    rather than

    city: directorCity