Limiting the number of users

I was wondering if there is a way to actually limit the amount of users that can register to a WordPress site?

As an example, I am wanting to create a small site that will hold information for a customer, where they can only have a maximum of (for example) 50 users. The idea is that you will need to log in to view the site and only a set amount of users are allowed to be created. Maybe somebody knows of a plugin that might do this?

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  1. As you can see in the WordPress Option Reference, there’s an option called users_can_register. You can – per default – set it in your (network-)sites settings.

    • 1 => Yes
    • 0 => No

    As usual: There’s a filter to intercept that from a plugin.


    So you can simply attach a callback to this filter and check the amount of users with a WP_User_Query for the get_current_blog_id().

    namespace WPSE;
    /** Plugin Name: WPSE (#110036) Limit Total Users per page */
    defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or exit;
    add_filter( 'option_users_can_register', 'limit_total_users' );
    function limit_total_users( $option )
        // Nothing to do here
        if ( 0 === $option )
            return $option;
        static $users = null;
        $limit = 50;
        if ( null === $users )
            $users_query = new WP_User_Query( array(
                'blog_id' => get_current_blog_id()
            ) );
            $users = $users_query->get_total();
        // Abort if we're above the limit
        if ( $limit > $users )
            return 0;
        return $option;

    The nice thing about this mini plugin is, that it doesn’t do an additional query if the registration is already turned off.

  2. Piggybacking off Kaiser’s answer:

    add_filter( 'option_users_can_register', 'limit_total_users' );
    function limit_total_users( $option )
        // Registration turned off manually. Nothing to do here.
        if ( 0 === $option )
            return $option;
        $user_count = count_users();
        // Abort if we're above the limit
        if ( $user_count['total_users'] > 50 ) {
            return 0;
        // The threshold wasn't reached yet.
        return $option;

    Interesting bit of info on that count_users() function is it actually returns an array with a count for each role. You may wish to identify which role you are limiting, or simply add/subtract to account for the difference in, for example, the number of admins – as you may not wish to count yourself in the total.

  3. This solution differs from the others in that the primary work in done on user registration. After a user registers the total users are counted and the users_can_register option is updated if necessary. That seems to be the best way to minimize front-end processing time. A related function hooked to pre_option_users_can_register prevents blog admins from cheating by toggling the switch in “General Settings” and getting an extra user thereby. Technically only that function is necessary but I have explained the reasons for the other function.

    function count_reg_users_wpse_110036() {
      global $wpdb;
      $users = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$wpdb->users}");
      return $users;
    function limit_users_wpse_110036() {
      $count = apply_filters('limit_user_count',4);
      $users = count_reg_users_wpse_110036();
      if ($users >= $count) {
    function limit_user_option_wpse_110036($option) {
      $reg = get_option('users_can_register');
      if (0 === $reg) {
        return 0;
      $count = apply_filters('limit_user_count',4);
      $users = count_reg_users_wpse_110036();
      if ($users >= $count) {
        return 0;
      } else {
        return $option;

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