jQuery masonry with WordPress and imagesLoaded

I am using jquery masonry on a wordpress theme I am working on. After struggling with getting it to work for a while I found that this:

        <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(function () { 
           itemSelector: '.masonry-box', 
           columnWidth: 283 

Seems to be working fine for me… However checking the site in Chrome and Safari pushes the bottom of the containing elements into the following elements…

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Now I read somewhere, that this can be solved by using the imagesLoaded plugin and the code for that I found here: http://masonry.desandro.com/demos/images.html – however since I am absolutely terrible with jQuery, I’m having a little difficulty getting it to work.

Could anyone help me incorporate it into the code I am already using and that works (the one above)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Julian

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  1. I think this should work for you;

    // Masonry Trigger
    var $container = jQuery('#masonry-wrap');
    $container.imagesLoaded( function(){
         itemSelector: '.masonry-box', 
         columnWidth: 283 

    Remember to use the latest version of imagesLoaded, I had a problem a while back and the reason was my version was slightly out of date.


    That said, I only use imagesLoaded when I’ve loaded in new content via AJAX and am using the reLayout method. If you run masonry on $window.load() after the images are loaded it should run fine too.

        $(window).load(function() {
          // Masonry Trigger
          var $container = $('#masonry-wrap');
             // options
             itemSelector: '.masonry-box', 
             columnWidth: 283 