jQuery Isotope masonry layout animation failing :(

I am trying to get jQuery Isotope’s masonry layout to work on this test site: http://make.truliablog.com/test-filters

It appears to be sorting them properly, but the animation when you resize the window and the blocks adjust are not working. How can I fix this problem?

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Here is the associated jQuery code.

            masonry : {
                columnWidth : 50

        // Filter buttons
        jQuery('#filters a').click(function(){
            var selector = jQuery(this).attr('data-filter');
            jQuery('#container').isotope({ filter: selector });
            return false;

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  1. It seems Isotope has the default ‘animationEngine’ as ‘css’.
    The shortest way would be to set ‘animationEngine’ as ‘jquery’ (assuming you are using jQuery).

    jQuery('#filters a').click(function(){
        var selector = jQuery(this).attr('data-filter');
            filter: selector,
            animationEngine : "jquery"
        return false;