JavaScript Object -> AJAX -> wp_options -> echo theObject?

I’ve been trying to solve this using various methods like JSON.stringify, JSON.parse, json_encode(), json_decode(), stripslashes(), find and replace, etc, etc.

But I can’t figure out where and if to encode the JS object to get it back from the database intact.

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Here is what I’m doing at the moment:

1. Send the JS object via ajax to the WP plugin:

var data = {
    action : 'store_object',
    obj: myObject
$.post(ajaxurl, data).done(function(res) {

2. Save the object in the WP plugin’s options:

$myObject = $_POST['obj'];
$options = $this->get_admin_options();
$options['settings'] = $myObject;

update_option($this->admin_options_name, $options);

3. Print the saved object as a JavaScript object:

$options = $this->get_admin_options();

;(function ($, window, document, undefined ) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#el').pluginName(<?php echo stripslashes(json_encode($options['settings'])); ?>);
})(jQuery, window, document);

The contents of myObject may contain HTML code or special characters, and this is where the problem comes from. I can’t figure out how to cover all corner cases. For example, the code above will translate this:

<a href="">Link</a>
This is a new line.

Into this:

<a href="">Link</a>
This is a new line.n

The HTML renders properly, but the n symbol does not.

So, what is the safest way to do something like this?

JS Object -> ajax -> wp database -> echo the object as a JS Object

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