Isotope Items are jumping

I’m creating a portfolio website using wordpress and isotope. For some reason each time the isotope items are sorted they do a jarring jump afterwards. Here is a jsfiddle demonstrating the problem:

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Here is a video demonstrating the problem:

The issue only occurs the first time each tile is sorted.
How can I stop this from happening?
These are my isotope settings:

        itemSelector : '.item', 
        layoutMode : 'masonry',
        masonry: {
                isFitWidth: true,
             columnWidth: 60,
            gutter: 10


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  1. I’ve solved my problem by simply removing the transform transition that I added to the isotope items. I also removed the “!important” from that transition. The transitions I added (hover transitions) seem to now be working nicely with the isotope added transitions.

    Old non working code:

    .isotope-item {
        transition: transform 0.5s, opacity 0.5s, background-color 0.25s linear, 
        border-color 0.25s linear !important;

    New working code:

    .isotope-item {
        /*I removed "transform 0.5s" and "!important"*/
        transition: opacity 0.5s, background-color 0.25s linear, border-color 0.25s linear;

    I created a stripped down jsfiddle to help me solve the problem more easily. The fixed line is line 10.

  2. First, this problem not interest with WordPress. This is jQuery issue. You add twice isotope code. Delete first additional. So edit your file:

    jQuery(function ($) {
        var $container = $('#isotope-list'); //The ID for the list with all the blog posts
        // (!) deleting start from here
            itemSelector : '.item', 
            layoutMode : 'masonry',
            masonry: {
                    isFitWidth: true,
                 columnWidth: 60,
                gutter: 10
        // (!) deleting end of here
        //Add the class selected to the item that is clicked, and remove from the others
        var $optionSets = $('#filters'),
        $optionLinks = $optionSets.find('a');
        if("onhashchange" in window) {
        // ... continue
  3. I know this doesn’t answer your question, but-
    If you remove all the css on the original js fiddle you posted and change the isotope instantiation to remove the masonry, using fitRows instead, then there is no jumping.

        itemSelector : '.item', 
        layoutMode : 'fitRows'

    This might mean the css you are using and the combination of masonry settings aren’t working well together.

    It is hard to read what is going on because there is a lot of extra html and css and the indentation of the javascript is not consistent. If you clean it up and post only the parts essential to filtering, I can take a better look.